Monday, March 7, 2016


I am going to use capitalization and punctuation correctly, and I will refrain from run on sentences. I will talk like a civilized american. I will stick to MLA format, I won't stray from the given prompt. I won't say what I'm really thinking, because you're probably not thinking the same thing. Lets talk about what we did last weekend, ask me how I'm doing, and I'll give you the same short answer. "I'm good." How about we high five and plaster a big fake smile on our faces and act like we're besties, because everyone falls for that. I will just swallow that lump in my throat and remember I can't cry in front of you. Lets snapchat pictures of ourselves, but only when we look good and the lighting is excellent. I only listen to the songs on the radio, and I definitely don't have any weird quirks or family problems. Nope. Our conversations are scripted, both of us too afraid to do anything but stick to our lines, or roles. I am shoved into one category, I am only what you think I am. I am a collaboration of my friends, my instagram photos, my achievements. I am nothing more than a wind up toy society has carefully manufactured. But here's the real problem. I'm not.

You're worth so much more than that. Lets get into the topic of our lives, lets admit to eachother our flaws, lets confront eachother about our differences and lets admit we still play happy wheels every now and then. Tell me about the new indie band you discovered, tell me about how you have dissatisfactory dreams about sharks. Show me the marks on your doorpost that show the evolution of your height, tell me about your kindergarten imaginary friend steve. I don't care if you have a blemish right smack dab in the middle of your face, I don't care if you've got a couple hairs out of place. Tell me what you thought about last night that made you cry a river. Tell me all about your passions, your insecurities, your hopes and wishes, your fantasies. It's okay to admit you're afraid of the dark or slenderman. I'll show you the crescent moon shaped scar I got from the lid on a can of chili. I'll tell you about my toothpaste preferences or how I still can't scramble eggs. I know there's a hand controlling the sock puppet, I know you're not the same as everyone else. So please, stop hiding behind the curtain. You're so much more interesting when you're not trying to be something you're not.


  1. This makes me want to seek you out and talk to you and be best friends. Not fake-smiles-and-high-fives best friends, but tell-me-about-your-scars-and-eat-breakfast-together best friends.

  2. "I know there's a hand controlling the sock puppet"

    seriously so good

  3. "You're so much more interesting when you're not trying to be something you're not"

    I love this so much #stolen

  4. honestly needed to hear this. Loved everything about this post it's too hard to choose my favorite part.

  5. "Lets snapchat pictures of ourselves, but only when we look good"

  6. I know this might not be your robot post but the second half of this was like a guide to proving that you're not a robot

    I dunno that's just how I read it

  7. I love this post. So. Much. wow. SO GOOD!!!!
