Monday, February 29, 2016

11 failed attempts

#1 this crush was the ultimate rival to all my other crushes, but i wasn't ready to love yet

#2 you took so much more than my first kiss. i can't help comparing everyone else to you, i loved you in a way i didn't think i could. you had a flawless facade, and although you treated me like i was playdough, a shrapnel of my broken heart still loves who i thought you were

#3 you were so kind and lively. i'm sorry I ended it, i just got scared

#4 rooftops and bowling balls brought us together. it was a prototypical fling

#5 you gallivanted into my life like you owned it. we spent nights under the stars, days in the water. we talked like we hadn't just met, but when we stopped talking it was like we never met. it was a trial run and by the time it ran out, i couldn't afford the real thing

#6 this one's for all my fugitive infatuations. all smiles, flirtatious waves, shallow texts. an empty kiss. that one time we locked eyes across the room. the only thing missing was something real

#7 you were a jack in the box, i was surprised at the person you really were. underneath all those compulsive lies you were just a boy who thirsted for attention and acceptance. sorry i couldn't give you that

#8 i couldn't reciprocate my feelings. i want you to forgive me, but let go of me. you deserve someone who will actually remember your birthday

#9 i met you in the weirdest way. but we clicked. i still like you, i'm just afraid we're sailing in different directions

#10 it was just a friendship with a little spark. i don't know what i did, but it was bad enough to lose you entirely. i'm okay with it, i didn't know you as well as i thought i did. i just hate seeing you because it still hurts

#11 i've been thinking about you lately. we were so close, but galaxies apart. you won't even talk to me now. i want to fix it. you weren't an emotional pin cushion. but regardless of all that, i know you're better off without me

hide and go seek

I'm stepping on the crayons that once served as a portal to my imagination
I quit raising my hand because I don't want answers anymore 
I don't have playdates with kids who believe in santa claus
My shoes don't light up when I run around, neither does my face on my birthday
I don't brew potions and I'm no longer a princess
When I get older I can't be a rock star or a marine biologist
Stranger danger is more relevant today than it was then
I can't make a fort and play pretend, because the game never ends
I'm not the best at four square, I'm not the best at anything
Disneyland isn't the happiest place on earth
ready or not. here I come
and I'm searching everywhere to find myself.

Sunday, February 21, 2016

brickity brick brick

I've got a brick tied to my ankle
i drag it around like a shackled ball and chain
hoping one day i can sever the rope

this brick was fashioned from regrets and insecurities
always there just following me around
lurking in my shadow 
constricting me from jumping more than an inch or two
stopping me from wandering very far

I tied this brick to me around the time i hit puberty
there's cuts and bruises from the rope
man do i want to get rid of this brick
but i'm afraid i've got a life sentence.
idek i'll write something tomorrow don't get a seizure from this

Monday, February 15, 2016

we humans are nomads

Tell me why i feel stuck all the time
stuck in a certain mindset of doubt
stuck with people who can't be kind
the gum on the street is keeping my shoes immobile
holding me captive to watch corruption embody everyone i love

I was never meant to sit back and watch
good is deteriorating like an organism undergoes senescence
we humans are nomads
moving from heart to mind
moving from person to person
moving like atoms in a gaseous state

Too many of us are power hungry barbarians
with rotting souls and cynical minds
trust is a luxury most can't afford
and love is a practical joke

where has humanity gone?
i'm not going to adapt to my environment
become subordinate to an unfeeling unscrupulous society
i'm done with being spoon fed these lies

we're the same, you and me
don't forget that
yes, we chew up and spit each other out
forgetting that everyone has emotions
but that's how the gum ended up on the street in the first place
don't forget that

Saturday, February 13, 2016

1:47 a.m. soliloquy

There's too much and too little to say about love
I'm not even sure where to start
I think I'm in love
but aren't we all fickle, lovesick fools
we write love in pencil
and our erasers are all worn out 

Love is a two way street they say
but this two way street has a stop sign
I kept going 
but you made a U-turn

I fell like a plane crash
nose diving too sharply
I knew I was on fire 
but I didn't know I was burning

I am yet to bust the myth of love
how will I ever know if mine is real?
it hurts, oh yes it hurts
but is it the pain of a love lost or the absence of love?
is there even a difference

I hate knowing that they're out there
dreaming about someone else
or nobody at all

they don't care about me anymore
they don't think about me anymore
just last week they said they loved me
I didn't know love had an expiration date
or I wouldn't have bought it

But hey, love doesn't have an absolute maximum
and high school relationships are like jelly filled doughnuts
some people like em
but they splatter all over your favorite shirt and leave a sticky stain
and honestly they're full of sh*t
(pardon my french)

True love isn't a light switch
and if they loved you, they'd treat you right
that four letter word will be what tears you apart
and stitches you back together

So please,
stop putting your quarters in and hoping what you want comes out
their words were just instant oatmeal propaganda
they want it too, but not with you
it's time to move on
it's time to forget
it's time to just love what's best for you
and wait for the best to love you back.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

sdrawckab no stah

HATS confuse me

Abraham Lincoln always wore a hat
and he was assassinated
The cat in the hat always wore a hat
and a doctor wrote about him

I wish nobody wore hats
but you wear a hat every day
and you
and you

They're designed to cover us up
trap the perpetual cloud of rare thoughts
and cast a shadow on our faces
just to cover up unfiltered light-
don't want anybody to see that bald spot 
heaven forbid we get a glimpse of your greasy roots
that tell us where you came from

We can't see through that hat of yours
stop wearing it
I hear it's been giving you a headache for years
but you won't be taking it off anytime soon
I can't even see your darn eyebrows
but yea, keep it on
because you've been wearing it for far too long
and if you take it off now
you'll have hat marks

I tip my hat to you
because I'm sick of the way it feels
and always having to adjust it
For once,
I'm not going to wear a hat

makiNg faCes in The mirroR

I think I look in the mirror a lot
Not because I'm inspecting the 
cilantro in my teeth    or
studying my facial symmetry    or
admiring the dust clinging to the glass

I just want to see myself one more time
Every day
I change a little bit 

My eyes droop
I'm wearing a counterfeit smile
and suddenly I'm turning 17
And I don't come home from school
with my shoes full of wood chips
and my mouth full of adventures
instead I stare
wondering what it would be like
to look myself in the eyes

Would I recognize myself?
Who is that person in the mirror?

perhaps we're all just missing persons
with a search party of one
eventually we'll find ourselves
but for now
we'll just keep making faces in the mirror