Saturday, February 13, 2016

1:47 a.m. soliloquy

There's too much and too little to say about love
I'm not even sure where to start
I think I'm in love
but aren't we all fickle, lovesick fools
we write love in pencil
and our erasers are all worn out 

Love is a two way street they say
but this two way street has a stop sign
I kept going 
but you made a U-turn

I fell like a plane crash
nose diving too sharply
I knew I was on fire 
but I didn't know I was burning

I am yet to bust the myth of love
how will I ever know if mine is real?
it hurts, oh yes it hurts
but is it the pain of a love lost or the absence of love?
is there even a difference

I hate knowing that they're out there
dreaming about someone else
or nobody at all

they don't care about me anymore
they don't think about me anymore
just last week they said they loved me
I didn't know love had an expiration date
or I wouldn't have bought it

But hey, love doesn't have an absolute maximum
and high school relationships are like jelly filled doughnuts
some people like em
but they splatter all over your favorite shirt and leave a sticky stain
and honestly they're full of sh*t
(pardon my french)

True love isn't a light switch
and if they loved you, they'd treat you right
that four letter word will be what tears you apart
and stitches you back together

So please,
stop putting your quarters in and hoping what you want comes out
their words were just instant oatmeal propaganda
they want it too, but not with you
it's time to move on
it's time to forget
it's time to just love what's best for you
and wait for the best to love you back.


  1. Too many good lines #stolen.

    "we write love in pencil
    and our erasers are all worn out"
    "I knew I was on fire
    but I didn't know I was burning"
    "I didn't know love had an expiration date
    or I wouldn't have bought it"

  2. ' Love is a two way street they say
    but this two way street has a stop sign
    I kept going
    but you made a U-turn'

  3. i love this! "But hey, love doesn't have an absolute maximum
    and high school relationships are like jelly filled doughnuts
    some people like em
    but they splatter all over your favorite shirt and leave a sticky stain"
    "that four letter word will be what tears you apart
    and stitches you back together"
    "stop putting your quarters in and hoping what you want comes out
    their words were just instant oatmeal propaganda"

    1. these were my favorite lines too, and the part about expiration dates
      sooooo good!!!

  4. "True love isn't a light switch
    and if they loved you, they'd treat you right
    that four letter word will be what tears you apart
    and stitches you back together"


  5. "stop putting your quarters in and hoping what you want comes out their words were just instant oatmeal propaganda" dude teach me how you write so well

  6. The part about pencils and erasers
    The part about expiration dates
    And your last line

    So good.

  7. "it hurts, oh yes it hurts
    but is it the pain of a love lost or the absence of love?
    is there even a difference"

    bushels of babies you've done it again. this is amazing.
